Cottage, B&B chambres d'hôtes & guesttable
Cevennes & Mont Lozère |
B&B |
Our activities and ideas for short stays Form 2 nights and 2 meals in a weekend or weekday for 2 persons : |
Formule of 2 nights and 2 meals during the weekend or
during the week for 2 people. |
2) learning the principes off patchwork ± 4 hours a day Price 110 Euros per person 3) learning traditionnal quilting ± 4 hours a day Material has to be brought in - Price 110 Euros/pers. Cleaning the chestnut orchard, picking sweet ... |
Patchwork and
quilting. Au Portaou, Patricia takes pleasure to communicate you her passion for patchwork and quilting. Workshops for individuals or groups are possibles outer summer. Group patchwork Patchwork - hand and machine main Quilting by hand Several technic possible : application hand, etc. Eventually lodged in a chambre d'hôte with full board |
workshops (Fr.) Stage de menuiserie et de tournage de bois: www. |
Stage de vannerie " Tisser des liens" :
active stays :
St Valentine (Fr.) To make bread, pizza, quiche Weekend for 2 Camisards History Cevennes historical Camisards songs. Historical evenings in July and August at Castle Pont-Perdut (more information : 04 66 46 20 10 or ''Le 3 juillet 2015 Conférence de Marie-Lucy Dumas
"Villefort Protestant" à partir de 18 heures; |
14 août jusqu'au 21 août: exposition de photographie intitulée "
AU FIL DES SONGES CEVENOLS" d' Audrey Antinori de 14 à 18 heures au Château de Pont Perdut (salle de garde et autres salles) avec projection d'autres superbes photos des Cévennes et alentours |
Hiking :
Walking : |
From June till September you can participate
in guided walks(Tuesday-mid level walkers, and Friday - experienced walkers). Inscription
at the
Tourism Office .
tel 00 334 66 46 87 30 |
Horse riding and hiking with a donkey | You can ride at 5 km distance, for an
hour, a weekend, 3 / 4 days
or 6 days, contact Hiking with a donkey, with a pack-saddle, to transport your gear in two large baskets, for info. contact : |
Another riding address is the "Centre
équestre de Villefort" : La Sédariès |
Water sports and Sports Centre : |
canoeing, cycling, archery, climbing, speleology, windsurfing, sailing, water bikes, swimming and a sandy
beach... |
Villefort lake |
Swimming in the river at a distance of 3 kms, in the hidden "gourgs" (natural rocky basins), ideal for freshening up in summer. The swimming pool in Concoules at 4 km, is open in July and August. Paddle in the Valcrouzès brook at 200 m. distance ! |
Fishing | There are lots of Fario-trouts in the lake of Villefort, that can grow to formidable size (5 - 14,3 kgs).In the Altier river you will have to use refined techniques, such a sfly fishing, fine lines, small hooks and live bait. |
There are great fishing possibilities on a 12km stretch between the Villefort lakeand the hamlet of Rochettes-Basses at 15 km from Au Portaou. |
website |
Interior yard Au Portaou" |
Golf & tennis |
Cyclisme et VTT |
Gastronomy & regional products : |
Chestnuts : | At Au Portaou you can enjoy the pleasure of harvesting and preparing chestnuts. You can savour delicious recipes at our dining table. |
To know more about chestnuts : |
Mushrooms : |
The appropriate periods for mushrooms are spring and
The mushrooms will appear according to mysterious natural laws. |
Honey : |
You can visit a honey
factory in Vielvic (at 1 km distance). Here you can taste different sorts of honey such
as : chestnut, raspberry, heather, fir ... open Fridays in summer. |
Trouts : |
You can by fresh and smoked
trout from the trout farmer. Trout is also regularly served at our dinner table. |
Patchwork, quilting and textile creations : |
:Patricia loves to share with you her passion
for patchwork. |
Winter sports | Ski, nordic ski, sleigh rides with huskies
and walks with snow shoes. |
© 2002 - 2016 | mentions légales | Présent sur Causses Cévennes